Root Chakra


Root Chakra Correspondences:

I am

I Have

I Live

Number: 1

Color: Red

Symbol: red lotus flower with four petals, a square, and an inverted triangle

Location:  the base of your spine.

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn, Earth

Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, 

Music Note: C

Seed Sound:  Lam

Sense: Smell

Development Stage: Womb to 12 months

Glands: Adrenal

Body Parts: Legs, Feet, Bones, larger intestine

Identity: Physical Identity

Right: To be here, to have

Goal: Survival, basic needs, stability, trust, prosperity, security

Crystal: Agate, Bloodstone, onyx, garnet, black tourmaline

Incense: Cedar

Essential Oils: Rosemary, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Cedar, Ginger, Frankincense

Plant: Roses, Jasmine

Food: red or dark-colored foods like Red apples, beets, tomatoes, pomegranates, strawberries, and raspberries. Root Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, garlic, parsnips, onions, ginger, and turmeric.

Drinks: Grounded Coffee, Red Wine

Herbs and Spices: Cloves, Ashwagandha, Cayenne Pepper, Paprika

About Root Chakra:

The first of the three chakras, starting at the base of the spine, are chakras of matter and are physical.

The first Chakra, the Root chakra, is also known as the base chakra or Mūlādhāra. Its location is at the base of our spine. The Sanskrit meaning of Muladhara is “the root of all things.” The definition of Muladhara in Sanskrit is “Mula,” meaning “root,” and “Adhara,” which means “support” or “base .” 

The development of root chakra begins in the womb and continues till infancy. Just like the roots of a tree, our root chakra grounds us in our life. These are the roots on which we build our life and link us to our physical world. It includes our most basic physical needs of food, water, and shelter and the emotional need for love, comfort, affection, the feeling of belonging and being safe, and the strength to let go of fear and anxiety. They represent our basic, primal need for survival, safety, stability, and support.

The Root chakra is responsible for the development of our general physical health, flesh and skin, our immune system, skeletal system our bones and teeth, colon, kidneys, muscles, arterial blood, large intestine, bowels, bladder, and excretory systems, and lower extremities legs, ankles, feet, reproductive organs and prostate gland in males. Root chakra also controls our sense of smell and taste.

The Root chakra motivates us to eat, sleep, and procreate. It helps develop our self-esteem, identity, integrity, and response during difficult times. Its energy helps us deal with challenging issues and determines our actions and choices, giving us the courage to move forward and stand up for ourselves. The Root chakra gives us our will to live, survive and thrive. 

Root chakra gives us a sense of purpose in life. It is responsible for our ability to concentrate, be persistent, think clearly, and set goals and priorities. It controls our mental stability, concentration, persistence, thinking clearly, set goals and priorities. Emotional behavior supports our right to love, have passion, and our determination to succeed and live life to our fullest.

Blocked and Imbalance in Our Root Chakra

An imbalance in our root chakra can cause various physical and emotional problems. The imbalance can be in the form of an overactive or underactive chakra.  

The imbalance in the root chakra can cause physical, mental, and emotional problems. Since the Root Chakra is the first Chakra, it can cause an imbalance in all the chakras.

Physical issues with:

Body parts affected due to imbalanced root chakra are the lower back, legs, feet, bladder, rectum, tailbone, and immune system can occur. Men can have issues with their prostate gland. Illnesses like arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, and constipation can occur.

Psychological Symptoms like:

Eating disorders, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and insomnia can also occur.

Emotional Issues like:

Emotional issues due to an imbalanced root chakra include rage/anger, low self-esteem, resentment, greediness, impulsiveness, inflexibility, fear, poor focus, and negative thinking.

Unblock and Balance your Root Chakra

Working with your root chakra can help heal. There are various ways you can work with your Root Chakra.

Color Vibrations:

Visualize the bright red color from the base of your spine, spreading to your feet and grounding you. 

Crystal Therapy:

Carry Root Chakra Associated crystals with you or place them under your pillow while sleeping.

Aroma Therapy:

Use an essential oil diffuser with Root Chakra-associated essential oil.

Sound Therapy:

Listen to music with Root chakra solfeggio frequency 396 Hz or 256Hz

Food and Drinks:

Consume Root chakra-associated foods and drinks to help balance your root chakra.


Chanting Bija Mantra Lam


Dandasana-Staff Pose

Malasana-Garland Pose

Setu Bandhan-Bridge Pose

Tadasana-Mountain Pose

Utkatasana-Chair Pose

Vajrasana-Diamond Pose

Virabhadrasana-Warrior Pose


I Love myself just the way I am.

I am perfect just the way I am.

I nurture my mind, body, and soul constantly.

My inner source is always here to guide me.

I deserve the best in life, and all my needs are always met easily.

I create my reality.

I choose to channel my energy and thoughts. 

I can manifest everything I need and want.

I feel centered.

I am home.

I am connected to my body.

I feel safe and secure.

I am kind and compassionate to myself.

I am fearless.

I trust myself.

I love myself.


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