Chakra Introduction

What are Chakras?

The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit (spelled cakra) which means “wheel” or “disk”. The chakra system originated in India between the 1500 and 500BC in ancient text The Vedas. They are also found in the Shri Jabala Darshana Upanishad, the Cudamini Upanishad, the Yoga-Shikka Upanishad and the Shandilya Upanishad. Chakras are used in meditation, ayurveda and yoga for healing and bringing balance between our mind body, spirit, and soul and overall wellbeing of a person.

Chakras are spinning disks or wheel of energy canters in our bodies. They hold the ‘prana’ or the pure healing energy that is within and all around us. Chakras store the energy from our thoughts, feelings, memories, actions, experiences and beliefs. The rate and speed at which your chakras spin effects the overall health, vitality and balance of a person. A healthy balanced chakra system will have chakras that are bright in colour and balanced in size and speed.

The Seven Chakras are
1. Root Chakra, 2. Sacral Chakra, 3. Solar Plexus Chakra, 4. Heart Chakra, 5. Throat Chakra, 6. Third Eye Chakra, and. 7. Crown Chakra.
These chakras are arranged in a vertical line from the base of our spin to the top of our head. The Heart chakra divide the top 3 and bottom 3 chakras and forms a bridge between them. The top three chakras are related to our consciousness, our intuition and truth. The bottom three chakras are related to practical earthly matters, our survival, reproduction and our personal power.
Each chakra is associated with specific glands, organs, emotions and function in our bodies.

Balanced chakras create a good flow of energy within our bodies that helps maintain a healthy, positive body and a life that we want.
All our physical and mental activities, our life style reflects on our physical and emotional health. Our emotions, thoughts, feelings, worries, stress, thought processes, life patterns, food habits, physically and mental activities from childhood to adulthood are stored in our chakras. Thus our chakras can become unbalanced after living a busy stresfull life. Our Chakras can become over-active or under-active causing physical illness, mental disturbances and overall disfunction.

Chakras can be rebalanced through the practise of yoga and mudra, mantras, foods, chakra meditation, color vibration, sound therapy, affirmation, crystal therapy and aromatherapy.

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